Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 38: "Number Talk" with 1st Graders

Supporting Young Mathematicians

Each day, teachers throughout our school engage their students in "Number Talks" as a part of their math lesson.  A number talk is an instructional method that strengthens each student's mental math skills.  A number talk is designed to help students understand a concept that will eventually help them be more efficient when solving math problems.

There are certain guidelines for a number talk.  These guidelines allow students to be flexible in their thinking about a math problem and to give them the necessary time they need to successful solve a problem.

Number Talk Norms for learning

A couple of guidelines are really important in making a number talk successful.. The first is using hand signals to communicate that your are "thinking" about a problem or if you have a strategy to share.  Hand signals keep students from waving their hands or shouting out answers and allows everyone to think through the problem.

"I'm ready to share my thinking."

"I was thinking the same thing."

The second important guideline is sharing your thinking and listening to others share.  This allows students to hear different strategies for the same problem and helps them see that there may be more efficient ways of solving math problems.

Watch as Mrs. Remington leads her class in a number talk.  She is wanting students to see "5" fast and then quickly add on what is left.

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